Additional Cost Overview

I. Additional costs for a real estate purchase in Austria

1. 3,5% Real estate transfer tax (in principle)

Basis of calculation is the purchase price of the property, this is to be paid in any case.
Only when the contract is concluded among spouses or close relatives (parents, children, grandchildren) does it drop to two percent of the unit value.

2. 1,1% Registration fee in the land register

Basis of calculation is the purchase price of the property, this fee is to be paid in any case.

3. Agency fees

Amount of the commission depending on the purchase price
Wert Provision
Up to 36.336,42€ Four percent of the value
From 36.336,42€ to 48.448,51€ 1.453,46 Euro
Over 48.448,51€ Three percent of the value

The statutory value added tax of currently 20 percent must be added to these commission amounts. The calculation basis is the purchase price of the property.

4. 1-3% Fee for the contractor / trustee (notary / lawyer):

As a rule, the purchase contract is set up by a lawyer or a notary.
Most of these also lead the registration of property (entry in the land register) of the property.
The amount of attorney or notary fees is approximately 1-3 percent of the purchase price and is determined by the respective chamber rates. In addition, it is possible to arrange a lump-sum fee.

5. Cost of certifying the signatures:

These are based on the purchase price or the amount of the lien and are determined by the respective Kammertarife (lawyers, notaries).

II. Optional utilities

1. 1,2% Fee for the entry of liens into the land register:

The calculation basis is the right of lien itself, this fee is only due for a purchase with credit.

Added to this is the entry fee of 44 euros bzw. from 62 euros, if the application is not in the Elektronischen Rechtsverkehr happen. The loan is billed by the respective bank at the usual bank rates.

2. 0,6% Note of ranking for the intended pledge:

The calculation basis is the amount of the lien.

Nebenkostenübersicht bei Immobilienerwerb (PDF-Download)